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Сегодня выдала админка при попытке создать пункт меню.
Полный текст сообщения
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/u108159901/public_html/administrator/components/com_menus/models/item.php on line 1237

Файл в кодировке UTF8 без BOM.
Коротких тегов <?...?> в index.php шаблона (слышал, бывает причина в этом) -нет.
Пробовал удалять фрагмент кода, в конце которого сбойная строка. Сообщение то же, только номер строки другой.
Хостер ни при чем- на локалке та же проблема.
Ошибка, как я понимаю, распространенная.

код: Указанная строка 1237 - последняя.  if (стр 1232-1237) закрывал - не помогает.
 * @package     Joomla.Administrator
 * @subpackage  com_menus
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

// No direct access.
defined('_JEXEC') or die;

// Include dependencies.
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT.'/helpers/menus.php';

 * Menu Item Model for Menus.
 * @package     Joomla.Administrator
 * @subpackage  com_menus
 * @since       1.6
class MenusModelItem extends JModelAdmin
* @var string The prefix to use with controller messages.
* @since 1.6
protected $text_prefix = 'COM_MENUS_ITEM';

* @var string The help screen key for the menu item.
* @since 1.6

* @var string The help screen base URL for the menu item.
* @since 1.6
protected $helpURL;

* @var boolean True to use local lookup for the help screen.
* @since 1.6
protected $helpLocal = false;

* Method to test whether a record can be deleted.
* @param object A record object.
* @return boolean True if allowed to delete the record. Defaults to the permission set in the component.
* @since 1.6
protected function canDelete($record)
if (!empty($record->id)) {
if ($record->published != -2) {
return ;
$user = JFactory::getUser();

return $user->authorise('core.delete', 'com_menus.item.'.(int) $record->id);

* Method to test whether a record can have its state edited.
* @param object A record object.
* @return boolean True if allowed to change the state of the record. Defaults to the permission set in the component.
* @since 1.6
protected function canEditState($record)
$user = JFactory::getUser();

if (!empty($record->id)) {
return $user->authorise('core.edit.state', 'com_menus.item.'.(int) $record->id);
// Default to component settings if menu item not known.
else {
return parent::canEditState($record);

* Method to perform batch operations on an item or a set of items.
* @param   array  $commands  An array of commands to perform.
* @param   array  $pks       An array of item ids.
* @param   array  $contexts  An array of item contexts.
* @return  boolean  Returns true on success, false on failure.
* @since   1.6
public function batch($commands, $pks, $contexts)
// Sanitize user ids.
$pks = array_unique($pks);

// Remove any values of zero.
if (array_search(0, $pks, true))
unset($pks[array_search(0, $pks, true)]);

if (empty($pks))
return false;

$done = false;

if (!empty($commands['menu_id']))
$cmd = JArrayHelper::getValue($commands, 'move_copy', 'c');

if ($cmd == 'c')
$result = $this->batchCopy($commands['menu_id'], $pks, $contexts);
if (is_array($result))
$pks = $result;
return false;
elseif ($cmd == 'm' && !$this->batchMove($commands['menu_id'], $pks, $contexts))
return false;
$done = true;

if (!empty($commands['assetgroup_id']))
if (!$this->batchAccess($commands['assetgroup_id'], $pks, $contexts))
return false;

$done = true;

if (!empty($commands['language_id']))
if (!$this->batchLanguage($commands['language_id'], $pks, $contexts))
return false;

$done = true;

if (!$done)
return false;

return true;

* Batch copy menu items to a new menu or parent.
* @param   integer  $value     The new menu or sub-item.
* @param   array    $pks       An array of row IDs.
* @param   array    $contexts  An array of item contexts.
* @return  mixed  An array of new IDs on success, boolean false on failure.
* @since   1.6
protected function batchCopy($value, $pks, $contexts)
// $value comes as {menutype}.{parent_id}
$parts = explode('.', $value);
$menuType = $parts[0];
$parentId = (int) JArrayHelper::getValue($parts, 1, 0);

$table = $this->getTable();
$db = $this->getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$i = 0;

// Check that the parent exists
if ($parentId)
if (!$table->load($parentId))
if ($error = $table->getError())
// Fatal error
return false;
// Non-fatal error
$parentId = 0;

// If the parent is 0, set it to the ID of the root item in the tree
if (empty($parentId))
if (!$parentId = $table->getRootId())
return false;

// Check that user has create permission for menus
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if (!$user->authorise('core.create', 'com_menus'))
return false;

// We need to log the parent ID
$parents = array();

// Calculate the emergency stop count as a precaution against a runaway loop bug
$count = $db->loadResult();

if ($error = $db->getErrorMsg())
return false;

// Parent exists so we let's proceed
while (!empty($pks) && $count > 0)
// Pop the first id off the stack
$pk = array_shift($pks);


// Check that the row actually exists
if (!$table->load($pk))
if ($error = $table->getError())
// Fatal error
return false;
// Not fatal error
$this->setError(JText::sprintf('JGLOBAL_BATCH_MOVE_ROW_NOT_FOUND', $pk));

// Copy is a bit tricky, because we also need to copy the children
$query->where('lft > ' . (int) $table->lft);
$query->where('rgt < ' . (int) $table->rgt);
$childIds = $db->loadColumn();

// Add child ID's to the array only if they aren't already there.
foreach ($childIds as $childId)
if (!in_array($childId, $pks))
array_push($pks, $childId);

// Make a copy of the old ID and Parent ID
$oldId = $table->id;
$oldParentId = $table->parent_id;

// Reset the id because we are making a copy.
$table->id = 0;

// If we a copying children, the Old ID will turn up in the parents list
// otherwise it's a new top level item
$table->parent_id = isset($parents[$oldParentId])? $parents[$oldParentId] : $parentId;
$table->menutype = $menuType;

// Set the new location in the tree for the node.
$table->setLocation($table->parent_id, 'last-child');

// TODO: Deal with ordering?
//$table->ordering = 1;
$table->level = null;
$table->lft = null;
$table->rgt = null;
$table->home = 0;

// Alter the title & alias
list($title, $alias) = $this->generateNewTitle($table->parent_id, $table->alias, $table->title);
$table->title = $title;
$table->alias = $alias;

// Check the row.
if (!$table->check())
return false;
// Store the row.
if (!$table->store())
return false;

// Get the new item ID
$newId = $table->get('id');

// Add the new ID to the array
$newIds[$i] = $newId;

// Now we log the old 'parent' to the new 'parent'
$parents[$oldId] = $table->id;

// Rebuild the hierarchy.
if (!$table->rebuild())
return false;

// Rebuild the tree path.
if (!$table->rebuildPath($table->id))
return false;

// Clean the cache

return $newIds;

* Batch move menu items to a new menu or parent.
* @param   integer  $value     The new menu or sub-item.
* @param   array    $pks       An array of row IDs.
* @param   array    $contexts  An array of item contexts.
* @return  boolean  True on success.
* @since   1.6
protected function batchMove($value, $pks, $contexts)
// $value comes as {menutype}.{parent_id}
$parts = explode('.', $value);
$menuType = $parts[0];
$parentId = (int) JArrayHelper::getValue($parts, 1, 0);

$table = $this->getTable();
$db = $this->getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);

// Check that the parent exists.
if ($parentId)
if (!$table->load($parentId))
if ($error = $table->getError())
// Fatal error

return false;
// Non-fatal error
$parentId = 0;

// Check that user has create and edit permission for menus
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if (!$user->authorise('core.create', 'com_menus'))
return false;

if (!$user->authorise('core.edit', 'com_menus'))
return false;

// We are going to store all the children and just moved the menutype
$children = array();

// Parent exists so we let's proceed
foreach ($pks as $pk)
// Check that the row actually exists
if (!$table->load($pk))
if ($error = $table->getError())
// Fatal error
return false;
// Not fatal error
$this->setError(JText::sprintf('JGLOBAL_BATCH_MOVE_ROW_NOT_FOUND', $pk));

// Set the new location in the tree for the node.
$table->setLocation($parentId, 'last-child');

// Set the new Parent Id
$table->parent_id = $parentId;

// Check if we are moving to a different menu
if ($menuType != $table->menutype)
// Add the child node ids to the children array.
$query->where($db->quoteName('lft').' BETWEEN ' . (int) $table->lft . ' AND ' . (int) $table->rgt);
$children = array_merge($children, (array) $db->loadColumn());

// Check the row.
if (!$table->check())
return false;

// Store the row.
if (!$table->store())
return false;

// Rebuild the tree path.
if (!$table->rebuildPath())
return false;

// Process the child rows
if (!empty($children))
// Remove any duplicates and sanitize ids.
$children = array_unique($children);

// Update the menutype field in all nodes where necessary.
$query->set($db->quoteName('menutype'). ' = ' . $db->quote($menuType));
$query->where($db->quoteName('id'). ' IN (' . implode(',', $children). ')');

// Check for a database error.
if ($db->getErrorNum())
return false;

// Clean the cache

return true;

* Method to check if you can save a record.
* @param array $data An array of input data.
* @param string $key The name of the key for the primary key.
* @return boolean
* @since 1.6
protected function canSave($data = array(), $key = 'id')
return JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.edit', $this->option);

* Method to get the row form.
* @param array $data Data for the form.
* @param boolean $loadData True if the form is to load its own data (default case), false if not.
* @return mixed A JForm object on success, false on failure
* @since 1.6
public function getForm($data = array(), $loadData = true)
// The folder and element vars are passed when saving the form.
if (empty($data)) {
$item = $this->getItem();
$this->setState('item.link', $item->link);
// The type should already be set.
else {
$this->setState('item.link', JArrayHelper::getValue($data, 'link'));
$this->setState('item.type', JArrayHelper::getValue($data, 'type'));

// Get the form.
$form = $this->loadForm('com_menus.item', 'item', array('control' => 'jform', 'load_data' => $loadData), true);
if (empty($form)) {
return false;

// Modify the form based on access controls.
if (!$this->canEditState((object) $data)) {
// Disable fields for display.
$form->setFieldAttribute('menuordering', 'disabled', 'true');
$form->setFieldAttribute('published', 'disabled', 'true');

// Disable fields while saving.
// The controller has already verified this is an article you can edit.
$form->setFieldAttribute('menuordering', 'filter', 'unset');
$form->setFieldAttribute('published', 'filter', 'unset');

return $form;

* Method to get the data that should be injected in the form.
* @return mixed The data for the form.
* @since 1.6
protected function loadFormData()
// Check the session for previously entered form data.
return array_merge((array)$this->getItem(), (array)JFactory::getApplication()->getUserState('com_menus.edit.item.data', array()));

* Get the necessary data to load an item help screen.
* @return object An object with key, url, and local properties for loading the item help screen.
* @since 1.6
public function getHelp()
return (object) array('key' => $this->helpKey, 'url' => $this->helpURL, 'local' => $this->helpLocal);

* Method to get a menu item.
* @param integer $pk An optional id of the object to get, otherwise the id from the model state is used.
* @return mixed Menu item data object on success, false on failure.
* @since 1.6
public function getItem($pk = null)
// Initialise variables.
$pk = (!empty($pk))? $pk : (int)$this->getState('item.id');

// Get a level row instance.
$table = $this->getTable();

// Attempt to load the row.

// Check for a table object error.
if ($error = $table->getError()) {
$false = false;
return $false;

// Prime required properties.

if ($type = $this->getState('item.type')) {
$table->type = $type;

if (empty($table->id)) {
$table->parent_id = $this->getState('item.parent_id');
$table->menutype = $this->getState('item.menutype');
$table->params = '{}';

// If the link has been set in the state, possibly changing link type.
if ($link = $this->getState('item.link')) {
// Check if we are changing away from the actual link type.
if (MenusHelper::getLinkKey($table->link)!= MenusHelper::getLinkKey($link)) {
$table->link = $link;

switch ($table->type)
case 'alias':
$table->component_id = 0;
$args = array();

parse_str(parse_url($table->link, PHP_URL_QUERY), $args);

case 'separator':
$table->link = '';
$table->component_id = 0;

case 'url':
$table->component_id = 0;

parse_str(parse_url($table->link, PHP_URL_QUERY));

case 'component':
// Enforce a valid type.
$table->type = 'component';

// Ensure the integrity of the component_id field is maintained, particularly when changing the menu item type.
$args = array();
parse_str(parse_url($table->link, PHP_URL_QUERY), $args);

if (isset($args['option'])) {
// Load the language file for the component.
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$lang->load($args['option'], JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, false, false)
|| $lang->load($args['option'], JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/'.$args['option'], null, false, false)
|| $lang->load($args['option'], JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, $lang->getDefault(), false, false)
|| $lang->load($args['option'], JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/'.$args['option'], $lang->getDefault(), false, false);

// Determine the component id.
$component = JComponentHelper::getComponent($args['option']);
if (isset($component->id)) {
$table->component_id = $component->id;

// We have a valid type, inject it into the state for forms to use.
$this->setState('item.type', $table->type);

// Convert to the JObject before adding the params.
$properties = $table->getProperties(1);
$result = JArrayHelper::toObject($properties, 'JObject');

// Convert the params field to an array.
$registry = new JRegistry;
$result->params = $registry->toArray();

// Merge the request arguments in to the params for a component.
if ($table->type == 'component') {
// Note that all request arguments become reserved parameter names.
$result->request = $args;
$result->params = array_merge($result->params, $args);

if ($table->type == 'alias') {
// Note that all request arguments become reserved parameter names.
$args = array();
parse_str(parse_url($table->link, PHP_URL_QUERY), $args);
$result->params = array_merge($result->params, $args);

if ($table->type == 'url') {
// Note that all request arguments become reserved parameter names.
$args = array();
parse_str(parse_url($table->link, PHP_URL_QUERY), $args);
$result->params = array_merge($result->params, $args);

// Load associated menu items
if (JFactory::getApplication()->get('menu_associations', 0)) {
if ($pk != null) {
$result->associations = MenusHelper::getAssociations($pk);
else {
$result->associations = array();
$result->menuordering = $pk;

return $result;

* Get the list of modules not in trash.
* @return mixed An array of module records (id, title, position), or false on error.
* @since 1.6
public function getModules()
$db = $this->getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);

// Join on the module-to-menu mapping table.
// We are only interested if the module is displayed on ALL or THIS menu item (or the inverse ID number).
//sqlsrv changes for modulelink to menu manager
$query->select('a.id, a.title, a.position, a.published, map.menuid');
$query->from('#__modules AS a');
$query->join('LEFT', sprintf('#__modules_menu AS map ON map.moduleid = a.id AND map.menuid IN (0, %1$d, -%1$d)', $this->getState('item.id')));
$query->select('(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__modules_menu WHERE moduleid = a.id AND menuid < 0) AS ' . $db->qn('except'));

// Join on the asset groups table.
$query->select('ag.title AS access_title');
$query->join('LEFT', '#__viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access');
$query->where('a.published >= 0');
$query->where('a.client_id = 0');
$query->order('a.position, a.ordering');

$result = $db->loadObjectList();

if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
return false;

return $result;

* A protected method to get the where clause for the reorder
* This ensures that the row will be moved relative to a row with the same menutype
* @param JTableMenu $table instance
* @return array An array of conditions to add to add to ordering queries.
* @since 1.6
protected function getReorderConditions($table)
return 'menutype = ' . $this->_db->Quote($table->menutype);

* Returns a Table object, always creating it
* @param type $type The table type to instantiate
* @param string $prefix A prefix for the table class name. Optional.
* @param array $config Configuration array for model. Optional.
* @return JTable A database object
* @since 1.6
public function getTable($type = 'Menu', $prefix = 'MenusTable', $config = array())
return JTable::getInstance($type, $prefix, $config);

* Auto-populate the model state.
* Note. Calling getState in this method will result in recursion.
* @return void
* @since 1.6
protected function populateState()
$app = JFactory::getApplication('administrator');

// Load the User state.
$pk = (int) JRequest::getInt('id');
$this->setState('item.id', $pk);

if (!($parentId = $app->getUserState('com_menus.edit.item.parent_id'))) {
$parentId = JRequest::getInt('parent_id');
$this->setState('item.parent_id', $parentId);

$menuType = $app->getUserState('com_menus.edit.item.menutype');
if (JRequest::getCmd('menutype', false)) {
$menuType = JRequest::getCmd('menutype', 'mainmenu');
$this->setState('item.menutype', $menuType);

if (!($type = $app->getUserState('com_menus.edit.item.type'))){
$type = JRequest::getCmd('type');
// Note a new menu item will have no field type.
// The field is required so the user has to change it.
$this->setState('item.type', $type);

if ($link = $app->getUserState('com_menus.edit.item.link')) {
$this->setState('item.link', $link);

// Load the parameters.
$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_menus');
$this->setState('params', $params);

* @param object $form A form object.
* @param mixed $data The data expected for the form.
* @return void
* @since 1.6
* @throws Exception if there is an error in the form event.
protected function preprocessForm(JForm $form, $data, $group = 'content')

// Initialise variables.
$link = $this->getState('item.link');
$type = $this->getState('item.type');
$formFile = false;

// Initialise form with component view params if available.
if ($type == 'component') {

$link = htmlspecialchars_decode($link);

// Parse the link arguments.
$args = array();
parse_str(parse_url(htmlspecialchars_decode($link), PHP_URL_QUERY), $args);

// Confirm that the option is defined.
$option = '';
$base = '';
if (isset($args['option'])) {
// The option determines the base path to work with.
$option = $args['option'];
$base = JPATH_SITE.'/components/'.$option;

// Confirm a view is defined.
$formFile = false;
if (isset($args['view'])) {
$view = $args['view'];

// Determine the layout to search for.
if (isset($args['layout'])) {
$layout = $args['layout'];
else {
$layout = 'default';

$formFile = false;

// Check for the layout XML file. Use standard XML file if it exists.
$path = JPath::clean($base.'/views/'.$view.'/tmpl/'.$layout.'.xml');
if (JFile::exists($path)) {
$formFile = $path;

// if custom layout, get the XML file from the template folder
// template folder is first part of file name -- template:folder
if (!$formFile && (strpos($layout, ':') > 0 ))
$temp = explode(':', $layout);
$templatePath = JPATH::clean(JPATH_SITE.'/templates/'.$temp[0].'/html/'.$option.'/'.$view.'/'.$temp[1].'.xml');
if (JFile::exists($templatePath))
$formFile = $templatePath;

//Now check for a view manifest file
if (!$formFile)
if (isset($view) && JFile::exists($path = JPath::clean($base.'/views/'.$view.'/metadata.xml')))
$formFile = $path;
//Now check for a component manifest file
$path = JPath::clean($base.'/metadata.xml');
if (JFile::exists($path))
$formFile = $path;

if ($formFile)
// If an XML file was found in the component, load it first.
// We need to qualify the full path to avoid collisions with component file names.

if ($form->loadFile($formFile, true, '/metadata') == false) {
throw new Exception(JText::_('JERROR_LOADFILE_FAILED'));

// Attempt to load the XML file.
if (!$xml = simplexml_load_file($formFile)) {
throw new Exception(JText::_('JERROR_LOADFILE_FAILED'));

// Get the help data from the XML file if present.
$help = $xml->xpath('/metadata/layout/help');
// We don't have a component. Load the form XML to get the help path
$xmlFile = JPath::find(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_menus/models/forms', 'item_' . $type . '.xml');

// Attempt to load the XML file.
if ($xmlFile && !$xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile))
throw new Exception(JText::_('JERROR_LOADFILE_FAILED'));

// Get the help data from the XML file if present.
$help = $xml->xpath('/form/help');

if (!empty($help))
$helpKey = trim((string) $help[0]['key']);
$helpURL = trim((string) $help[0]['url']);
$helpLoc = trim((string) $help[0]['local']);

$this->helpKey = $helpKey ? $helpKey : $this->helpKey;
$this->helpURL = $helpURL ? $helpURL : $this->helpURL;
$this->helpLocal = (($helpLoc == 'true') || ($helpLoc == '1') || ($helpLoc == 'local'))? true : false;

// Now load the component params.
// TODO: Work out why 'fixing' this breaks JForm
if ($isNew = false) {
$path = JPath::clean(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/'.$option.'/config.xml');
else {

if (JFile::exists($path)) {
// Add the component params last of all to the existing form.
if (!$form->load($path, true, '/config')) {
throw new Exception(JText::_('JERROR_LOADFILE_FAILED'));

// Load the specific type file
if (!$form->loadFile('item_'.$type, false, false)) {
throw new Exception(JText::_('JERROR_LOADFILE_FAILED'));

// Association menu items
if (JFactory::getApplication()->get('menu_associations', 0)) {
$languages = JLanguageHelper::getLanguages('lang_code');

$addform = new JXMLElement('<form />');
$fields = $addform->addChild('fields');
$fields->addAttribute('name', 'associations');
$fieldset = $fields->addChild('fieldset');
$fieldset->addAttribute('name', 'item_associations');
$fieldset->addAttribute('description', 'COM_MENUS_ITEM_ASSOCIATIONS_FIELDSET_DESC');
$add = false;
foreach ($languages as $tag => $language)
if ($tag != $data['language']) {
$add = true;
$field = $fieldset->addChild('field');
$field->addAttribute('name', $tag);
$field->addAttribute('type', 'menuitem');
$field->addAttribute('language', $tag);
$field->addAttribute('label', $language->title);
$field->addAttribute('translate_label', 'false');
$option = $field->addChild('option', 'COM_MENUS_ITEM_FIELD_ASSOCIATION_NO_VALUE');
$option->addAttribute('value', '');
if ($add) {
$form->load($addform, false);

// Trigger the default form events.
parent::preprocessForm($form, $data, $group);

* Method rebuild the entire nested set tree.
* @return boolean False on failure or error, true otherwise.
* @since 1.6
public function rebuild()
// Initialiase variables.
$db = $this->getDbo();
$table = $this->getTable();

if (!$table->rebuild()) {
return false;

// Convert the parameters not in JSON format.
'SELECT id, params' .
' FROM #__menu' .
' WHERE params NOT LIKE '.$db->quote('{%').
'  AND params <> '.$db->quote('')

$items = $db->loadObjectList();
if ($error = $db->getErrorMsg()) {
return false;

foreach ($items as &$item)
$registry = new JRegistry;
$params = (string)$registry;

'UPDATE #__menu' .
' SET params = '.$db->quote($params).
' WHERE id = '.(int) $item->id
if (!$db->query()) {
return false;


// Clean the cache

return true;

* Method to save the form data.
* @param array $data The form data.
* @return boolean True on success.
* @since 1.6
public function save($data)
// Initialise variables.
$pk = (!empty($data['id']))? $data['id'] : (int)$this->getState('item.id');
$isNew = true;
$db = $this->getDbo();
$table = $this->getTable();

// Load the row if saving an existing item.
if ($pk > 0) {
$isNew = false;
if (!$isNew && $table->menutype == $data['menutype']) {
if ($table->parent_id == $data['parent_id'] ) {

// If first is chosen make the item the first child of the selected parent.
if ($data['menuordering'] == -1) {
$table->setLocation($data['parent_id'], 'first-child');
// If last is chosen make it the last child of the selected parent.
elseif ($data['menuordering'] == -2) {
$table->setLocation($data['parent_id'], 'last-child');
// Don't try to put an item after itself. All other ones put after the selected item.
// $data['id'] is empty means it's a save as copy
elseif ($data['menuordering'] && $table->id != $data['menuordering'] || empty($data['id']))
$table->setLocation($data['menuordering'], 'after');
// Just leave it where it is if no change is made.
elseif ( $data['menuordering'] && $table->id ==  $data['menuordering'])
unset( $data['menuordering']);
// Set the new parent id if parent id not matched and put in last position
else {
$table->setLocation($data['parent_id'], 'last-child');

// We have a new item, so it is not a change.
elseif ($isNew) {
$table->setLocation($data['parent_id'], 'last-child');
// The menu type has changed so we need to just put this at the bottom
// of the root level.
else  {
$table->setLocation(1, 'last-child');

// Bind the data.
if (!$table->bind($data)) {
return false;

// Alter the title & alias for save as copy.  Also, unset the home record.
if(!$isNew && $data['id'] == 0){
list($title, $alias) = $this->generateNewTitle($table->parent_id, $table->alias, $table->title);
$table->title = $title;
$table->alias = $alias;
$table->home = 0;

// Check the data.
if (!$table->check()) {
return false;

// Store the data.
if (!$table->store()) {
return false;

// Rebuild the tree path.
if (!$table->rebuildPath($table->id)) {
return false;

$this->setState('item.id', $table->id);
$this->setState('item.menutype', $table->menutype);

// Load associated menu items
if (JFactory::getApplication()->get('menu_associations', 0)) {
// Adding self to the association
$associations = $data['associations'];
foreach ($associations as $tag=>$id) {
if (empty($id)) {

// Detecting all item menus
$all_language = $table->language == '*';
if ($all_language && !empty($associations)) {
JError::raiseNotice(403, JText::_('COM_MENUS_ERROR_ALL_LANGUAGE_ASSOCIATED'));


// Deleting old association for these items
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where('id IN ('.implode(',', $associations).')');
if ($error = $db->getErrorMsg()) {
return false;

if (!$all_language && count($associations)>1) {
// Adding new association for these items
$key = md5(json_encode($associations));
foreach ($associations as $tag=>$id) {
if ($error = $db->getErrorMsg()) {
return false;

// Clean the cache

if (isset($data['link'])) {
$base = JURI::base();
$juri = JURI::getInstance($base.$data['link']);
$option = $juri->getVar('option');

// Clean the cache

Что еще делать - не знаю. Прошу помощи.

« Последнее редактирование: 28.06.2016, 20:01:26 от D_art »


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  • ищу работу
А почему не обновить Joomla до 2.5.28 + патч безопасности ?


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Уже думаю об этом. Пока залил файл-виновник из бэкапа. Естественно, всё заработало.
Какой-то левый inject в файл случился, надо полагать?
Чтобы оставить сообщение,
Вам необходимо Войти или Зарегистрироваться

Обновление с Joomla 2.5.21

Автор mmablock

Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 981
Последний ответ 23.09.2023, 13:28:40
от mmablock
Переход с 1.5 на 2.5 Joomla

Автор jomdj

Ответов: 357
Просмотров: 107954
Последний ответ 27.05.2022, 08:01:20
от Thomas Bergersen
[Решено] Перенос только материалов с Joomla 2.5 на Joomla 3.9

Автор dron

Ответов: 11
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Последний ответ 05.01.2022, 16:27:23
от blind
Joomla 2.5.5 + VirtueMart 2 --&gt; OpenServer

Автор Alex_gs

Ответов: 2
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Последний ответ 18.09.2021, 11:44:41
от Alex_gs
После переноса на другой хостинг Database connection error (2): Could not connec

Автор kot488

Ответов: 16
Просмотров: 2017
Последний ответ 21.02.2021, 12:51:00
от kot488