По-моему его достаточно и более для этого не правил ничего.
* $Id: $
* VirtueMart Extended Search Bot (based on work from Soeren Eberhardt & Pietro Gallo)
* @version 1.5
* @copyright (C) Copyright 2007 by Alejandro Kurczyn
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
14/Feb/2007 A.Kurczyn 1.1 Fixed parent_filter var handling
15/Feb/2007 A.Kurczyn 1.2 Fixed review_from var handling
18/Feb/2007 A.Kurczyn 1.3 Added manufacturer,category,thumbnail support
29/Oct/2007 A.Kurczyn 1.5 MySQL 5 compatible, added keyword density
/** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ) ;
// Get VM vars
jimport( 'joomla.plugin' ) ;
include_once (dirname( __FILE__ ). "/../../components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart_parser.php") ;
/** Register search function inside Joomla's API */
/*##my17032011005132 {
It was:
$mainframe->registerEvent( 'onSearch', 'vmExtendedSearch' ) ;
It became:*/
$mainframe->registerEvent( 'onSearch', 'plgSearchvmxsearch' );
$mainframe->registerEvent( 'onSearchAreas', 'plgSearchvmxsearchAreas' );
JPlugin::loadLanguage( 'plg_search_vmxsearch' );
//Define a function to return an array of search areas. Replace 'nameofplugin' with the name of your plugin.
function &plgSearchvmxsearchAreas()
static $areas = array(
'vmxsearch' => 'Vmxsearch'
return $areas;
function plgSearchvmxsearch( $text, $phrase='', $ordering='', $areas=null ) {
return vmExtendedSearch ($text, $phrase, $ordering, $areas);
/*##my17032011005132 } */
* Search method
* The sql must return the following fields that are used in a common display
* routine: href, title, section, created, text, browsernav
function vmExtendedSearch( $text, $phrase = '', $ordering = '', $areas = null ) {
$database = JFactory::getDBO() ;
$text = trim( $text ) ;
if( $text == '' ) {
return array( ) ;
//If the array is not correct, return it:
if (is_array( $areas )) {
if (!array_intersect( $areas, array_keys( plgSearchvmxsearchAreas() ) )) {
return array();
// Get mambot parameters
// check if param query has previously been processed
if( ! isset( $GLOBALS['_search_mambot_params']['vmxsearch'] ) ) {
// load mambot params info
$query = "SELECT params FROM #__plugins WHERE element = 'vmxsearch.plugin' AND folder = 'search'" ;
$database->setQuery( $query ) ;
$mambot = $database->loadObject() ;
// save query to class variable
$GLOBALS['_search_mambot_params']['vmxsearch'] = $mambot ;
// pull query data from class variable
$mambot = $GLOBALS['_search_mambot_params']['vmxsearch'] ;
$botParams = new vmParameters( $mambot->params ) ;
$fields = array( ) ;
$thumbnail_flag = $botParams->def( 'thumbnail_flag', 1 ) ;
$thumbnailx = $botParams->def( 'thumbnailx', 40 ) ;
$thumbnaily = $botParams->def( 'thumbnaily', 40 ) ;
if( $botParams->def( 'name_flag', 1 ) == 1 )
$fields[] = 'p.product_name' ;
if( $botParams->def( 'sku_flag', 1 ) == 1 )
$fields[] = 'p.product_sku' ;
if( $botParams->def( 'desc_flag', 1 ) == 1 )
$fields[] = 'p.product_desc' ;
if( $botParams->def( 'sdesc_flag', 1 ) == 1 )
$fields[] = 'p.product_s_desc' ;
if( $botParams->def( 'url_flag', 1 ) == 1 )
$fields[] = 'p.product_url' ;
if( $botParams->def( 'review_flag', 1 ) == 1 )
$fields[] = 'r.comment' ;
if( $botParams->def( 'manufacturer_flag', 1 ) == 1 )
$fields[] = 'm.mf_name' ;
if( $botParams->def( 'category_flag', 1 ) == 1 )
$fields[] = 'c.category_name' ;
$oos_where = (PSHOP_SHOW_OUT_OF_STOCK_PRODUCTS != 1)? 'and product_in_stock > 0' : '' ;
switch( $botParams->def( 'parent_filter', 'both' )) {
case 'parent' :
$parent_where = "AND (p.product_parent_id='' OR p.product_parent_id='0')" ;
break ;
case 'child' :
$parent_where = "AND (p.product_parent_id > '0')" ;
break ;
case 'both' :
$parent_where = '' ;
break ;
// Build search logic
$wheres = array( ) ;
switch( $phrase) {
case 'exact' :
$wheres2 = array( ) ;
foreach( $fields as $field ) {
$wheres2[] = "$field LIKE '%".$database->getEscaped($text)."%'" ;
$where = '(' . implode( ') OR (', $wheres2 ). ')' ;
break ;
case 'all' :
case 'any' :
default :
$words = explode( ' ', $text ) ;
$wheres = array( ) ;
foreach( $words as $word ) {
$wheres2 = array( ) ;
foreach( $fields as $field ) {
$wheres2[] = "$field LIKE '%".$database->getEscaped($word)."%'" ;
$wheres[] = implode( ' OR ', $wheres2 ) ;
$where = '(' . implode( ($phrase == 'all' ? ') AND (' : ') OR ('), $wheres ). ')' ;
break ;
switch( $ordering) {
case 'newest' :
default :
$order = 'p.cdate DESC' ;
break ;
case 'oldest' :
$order = 'p.cdate ASC' ;
break ;
case 'popular' :
$order = 'p.product_name ASC' ;
break ;
case 'alpha' :
$order = 'p.product_name ASC' ;
break ;
case 'category' :
$order = 'p.category_name ASC' ;
break ;
if( $botParams->def( 'density_flag', 1 ) == 1 ) {
$whole_text = ", CONCAT_WS(' ',LOWER(" . implode( '), LOWER(', $fields ). ')) AS whole_text ' ;
} else {
$whole_text = '' ;
//Get VirtueMart module ID
$database->setQuery( " SELECT id, name FROM `#__menu` WHERE link LIKE '%com_virtuemart%' AND published=1 AND access=0" ) ;
$Item = $database->loadObject() ;
$ItemName = ! empty( $Item->name )? $Item->name : "Shop" ;
$Itemid = ! empty( $Item->id )? $Item->id : "1" ;
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT p.product_id, p.product_name as title,
FROM_UNIXTIME( p.cdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' ) AS created,
p.product_s_desc AS text,
CONCAT('$ItemName/',c.category_name) as section,
CONCAT('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.product_details&flypage=',IFNULL(c.category_flypage,'" . FLYPAGE . "'),'&category_id=',IFNULL(c.category_id,''),'&product_id=',p.product_id,'&Itemid='," . $Itemid . ") as href,
'2' as browsernav
FROM #__vm_product p
LEFT JOIN #__vm_product_reviews r ON (r.product_id = p.product_id)
LEFT JOIN #__vm_product_mf_xref mx ON (mx.product_id = p.product_id)
LEFT JOIN #__vm_manufacturer m ON (m.manufacturer_id = mx.manufacturer_id),
#__vm_product_category_xref cx, #__vm_category c
WHERE ($where)" . "\n AND cx.product_id = p.product_id
AND cx.category_id = c.category_id $parent_where
AND c.category_publish='Y'
AND p.product_publish='Y'
ORDER BY $order" ;
//echo "\n-QUERY:\n$query\n";
$database->setQuery( $query ) ;
$row = $database->loadObjectList() ;
if( ! empty( $row ) && $botParams->def( 'density_flag', 1 ) == 1 ) {
$txt = strtolower( $text ) ;
if( $phrase != 'exact' )
$txt_array = explode( ' ', $txt ) ; else
$txt_array[0] = $txt ;
$i = 0 ;
foreach( $row as $result ) {
$count = 0 ;
foreach( $txt_array as $txt ) {
$count = substr_count( $result->whole_text, $txt ) + $count ;
$row[$i]->count = $count ;
$i ++ ;
pg_keydenseSort( $row, 'count', 'DESC' ) ;
return $row ;
function pg_keydenseSort( &$data, $key, $order ) {
for( $i = count( $data ) - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i -- ) {
$swapped = false ;
for( $j = 0 ; $j < $i ; $j ++ ) {
if( $order == 'ASC' ) {
if( $data[$j]->$key > $data[$j + 1]->$key ) {
$tmp = $data[$j] ;
$data[$j] = $data[$j + 1] ;
$data[$j + 1] = $tmp ;
$swapped = true ;
} else {
if( $data[$j]->$key < $data[$j + 1]->$key ) {
$tmp = $data[$j] ;
$data[$j] = $data[$j + 1] ;
$data[$j + 1] = $tmp ;
$swapped = true ;
if( ! $swapped )
return ;