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Хотел бы представить вам новый компонент для организации интернет-магазина на Joomla.

Phoca Cart - компонент электронной коммерции для Joomla! 3.8+. 
Продукт активно развивается, но для того, чтобы сделать его более стабильным в ближайшее время, требуется помощь Joomla сообщества. Будет замечательно, если вы поможете с тестированием Phoca Cart.

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Большое спасибо.


P.S. Прошу прощения за мой русский язык, я использую Google Translate.

Демо: http://www.phoca.cz/phocacartdemo/
Страница на J.E.D.: https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/phoca-cart/

« Последнее редактирование: 10.11.2018, 14:04:59 от Sulpher »


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Jan, we're glad you contacted Russian Joomla! community and requested for a help with beta-testing. It shows that Joomla has no borders. Vítejte na ruske komunite! :-)

форумчанам, не владеющим английским: автор поста из Чехии, я поприветствовал его на нашем форуме и поблагодарил за проявленный интерес.


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спасибо, Jan


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I just tried to checkout and entered user\pass demo\demo (didnt guess?)
And got it


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Еще хотелось бы уточнить несколько моментов
1. Платность
2. Поддержка русского сегмента (локализация, платежные шлюзы итп)
3. Модульность и MVC-шность


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Do you plan to update this https://github.com/PhocaCz/PhocaCart ?

Last commit more than a year ago.

Ah, I see in public activity that you tagged 3.0.0RC2 yesterday, but everything is dated 6 Mar 2015
« Последнее редактирование: 29.04.2016, 00:14:28 от SDKiller »


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Hmm, the error comes from this file:

cca line: 165:
if (!fwrite($this->file, $line . "\n"))
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot write to log file.');
Seems like Joomla! cannot write entry to log file (it uses fwrite, so there can be problems with permissions or ownership - no FTP layer can be used), but why it is in checkout, really no idea :idea:

1) what you do you mean with "paid"
2) for now there is no russian language as I know, there are two payment methods: cash on delivery, PayPal. Payment methods are stored as plugins, so more can be written, Phoca Cart is still in development version, so there are only two for now. And one more info. Phoca Cart is not VirtueMart, it should be simple and easy extension, it does not make sense to do another VirtueMart. The extension should be simple and easy so it can be maintained well.
3) It is written like other Phoca extensions - in Joomla! MVC pattern - outputs can be overridden, there are layouts for HTML parts.

Yes, sometimes I update only releases, not the code. Now I have updated it. https://github.com/PhocaCz/PhocaCart



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Well done Jan  8)  Keep going :D NorrNext is testing (me and Eugene) ;) I think I found an issue with fields in payment plugins I will let you know by email.


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Поставил потестировать.
Импорт, как я понял, еще недоделан?

И да, в русификации бросилось в глаза слово "Експорт", когда правильно "Экспорт."

PS. @JanP is that ok I use russian?


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One more thing with doubles, even worse.
http://phoca.localzone/index.php/phoca/4-di/23-di-s3-3.html - i.e. i changed category, so phoca tells "Item not found", but httpcode is 200 OK instead of 404 NOT Found.


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Hi voland,

1) thank you for the feedback
2) I learned Russian only for two years, I can read Azbuka, but it will be better to communicate in English for me.
3) Do you get any problem with Import?
4) Russian language - I think, this is much more a question on Russian translator :idea:
5) I didn't test the experimental routing yet, so I cannot say if it will work OK - the priority for now is to work with standard Joomla! SEF: https://www.phoca.cz/phocacartdemo/ (but of course it is a plan for the future - we will see, if something changes in the experimental routing system)
6) 200 or 404 - yes, the question is always problematic - return 200 because no error happened but no items found or return 404 which means in fact error. User can be confused that error comes but it is not an error, it is just the situation that e.g. filtering didn't find any item :idea: - hard to say. So, is "no item found" and 404 error or is it 200 with empty result? The change to 404 is of course easy, but the question is if it should be taken as an error?

throw new Exception(JText::_('No Item Found'), 404);

7) the search module is here:
you can see demo here:

It is not standard Joomla! search plugin for search module, because this module is fully integrated in Phoca Cart, with the filter function - so you can get get search outcomes including filter function

See this link:

... phocacartdemo/items?search=rapid&manufacturer=1-skoda

which means, the user selected manufacturer Škoda and then searched Rapid model including the manufacturer filter.

The filter module is here:




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5) I didn't test the experimental routing yet, so I cannot say if it will work OK - the priority for now is to work with standard Joomla! SEF: https://www.phoca.cz/phocacartdemo/ (but of course it is a plan for the future - we will see, if something changes in the experimental routing system)
I looked your demo and situation with standart routing absolutely same.
It is really important, until your component will have good router, there will no any reasons to use it in production.


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6) 200 or 404 - yes, the question is always problematic - return 200 because no error happened but no items found or return 404 which means in fact error. User can be confused that error comes but it is not an error, it is just the situation that e.g. filtering didn't find any item :idea: - hard to say. So, is "no item found" and 404 error or is it 200 with empty result? The change to 404 is of course easy, but the question is if it should be taken as an error?
There is no question at all.
http-code must be 404 only.
You can show for user 404 or suggested items or anything you want, but answer for bots must be 404


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One more thing with doubles, even worse.
http://phoca.localzone/index.php/phoca/4-di/23-di-s3-3.html - i.e. i changed category, so phoca tells "Item not found", but httpcode is 200 OK instead of 404 NOT Found.
As the component thinks that this is correct URL, but item not found, then 200 is totally ok. The idea here is to filter out incorrect URL (request) and not going further to item throwing 404. Then it would be Page not found instead of Item not found.


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I looked your demo and situation with standart routing absolutely same.
It is really important, until your component will have good router, there will no any reasons to use it in production.

Not sure if I understand you correctly. The component does not have any specific SEF, it just uses the standard one from Joomla!


Link to Categories view
https://www.phoca.cz/phocacartdemo/ (home page, no menu link alias set)

... phocacartdemo/

Link to Category 1
https://www.phoca.cz/phocacartdemo/1-skoda (alias from category used)

... phocacartdemo/1-skoda

Link to Product 2 in Category 1
https://www.phoca.cz/phocacartdemo/1-skoda/2-skoda-rapid (alias from category used and alias from product used)

... phocacartdemo/1-skoda/2-skoda-rapid

Products can be stored in more categories, so in case the product 2 will be in another category, the link will be:

... phocacartdemo/3-audi/2-skoda-rapid

This follows Joomla! SEF rules, so for now, not sure what should be different there :idea:

« Последнее редактирование: 27.09.2017, 14:37:44 от JanP »


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Link to Product 2 in Category 1
https://www.phoca.cz/phocacartdemo/1-skoda/2-skoda-rapid (alias from category used and alias from product used)
and even
are the same ))
No 301 redirect, no even rel canonical tag in code.

I know, Joomla have same problem too, but I dont care, cause many years use plugin JL NoDoubles, developed by @zikkuratvk



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So, @JanP would you fix those bugs?

I liked your component very much and want to test it more or even make some sites on it.
But without normal SEF I wont :-(


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So, @JanP would you fix those bugs?

First of all, these are not bugs but the Joomla! SEF feature. I think this is much more a question on Joomla! developers than for me. The extension just follow the CMS rules and it uses the CMS SEF feature. I don't know, if even is possible to change this feature by the component because SEF is managed by Joomla!:

For example: option=com_your_extension just cannot be changed to own rules as the router works on Joomla! first and then asks for the rules in extension.

Anyway the number in URL has many advantages:

- the router decision is faster (because of working with integer)
- the chance to get confusing alias is minimal because search engines don't create non existing links the same like the CMS will not create such link
- if user comes to site with right integer but wrong alias, this has advantage, because you don't want to display non existing product but some existing, so you offer the right product instead of saying: product does not exist - for selling it is better to offer right product instead of nothing.

A practical scenario:

1) You create a product with mistake in alias
2) Search engines will store this link: .../phocacartdemo/1-skoda/2-radip
3) You discover the error and you will correct the alias to:
4) In search engine, there is still old link and when user click on this old link with mistake, he/she get right page (without having the number, user gets the: no item found page, so the question is what is better: nothing or right product?)

And it can happen that the wrong alias stays in search engines for some months but still no problem when the link is managed by integer.

But, it does not matter what I write here, this is the Joomla! feature, so it can be changed there. And core developers test the experimental new feature and I will just observer it and follow it in future.



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and even
are the same ))
This is Joomla to blame for that, @voland. As @JanP said:
The component does not have any specific SEF, it just uses the standard one from Joomla!
, why don't you continue to use JL NoDoubles?
All the more, I heard that the new Joomla router has managed to get rid of this mess, hasn't it?
Не будь паразитом, сделай что-нибудь самостоятельно!


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This is Joomla to blame for that, @voland. As @JanP said:, why don't you continue to use JL NoDoubles?
All the more, I heard that the new Joomla router has managed to get rid of this mess, hasn't it?
I test it with JL No Doubles on\off and with experimatel routing on\off - result is the same.



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I don't know, if even is possible to change this feature by the component because SEF is managed by Joomla!
It is possible  ^-^ You can check for alias of item in the controller (before processing the view) and throw 404 if alias does not match. But this of course will bring extra queries to get item.

Here is the example of such function I made for our NorrCompetition component:

public function processCompetition($model)
    $competitionId    = $this->input->getInt('id', 0);
    $competitionAlias = $this->input->getString('alias', '');

        $competition = $model->getCompetition($competitionId);

        if ($competition->id < 1
            || $competition->state == 0
            || (!empty($competitionAlias) && $competitionAlias != $competition->alias))
            throw new Exception(
                JText::_($this->textPrefix . '_ERROR_COMPETITION_NOT_FOUND'), 404
    catch (InvalidArgumentException $e)
        throw new Exception(
            JText::_($this->textPrefix . '_ERROR_COMPETITION_NOT_FOUND'), 404
    catch (RuntimeException $e)
            JRoute::_(CompetitionHelperRoute::getCompetitionsRoute(), false)
            JText::_($this->textPrefix . '_ERROR_OCCURRED'), 'error'

        JLog::add($e->getMessage(), JLog::ERROR, $this->option);


Alias is set in the parse method of router and is available in input.


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It is possible ...

Thank you for the tip.

There are two types of view. Programmer view and business view.

Programmer view: there is no discussion as you should only get what you ask. If you ask something with wrong alias, you should get no data.

Business view: the question is now more complicated because in business, the "no items" or "we don't have this product", etc. does not exist. "No item found" means that customer goes to another shop.

So, what scenario is better?

skoda/2-rapid   -   Škoda Rapid   -   Škoda Rapid
skoda/2-radip   -   No items   -   Škoda Rapid
skoda/2-something   -   No items   -   Škoda Rapid

As programmer you answer in 2 cases with "no items", as businessman you offer in all cases a product - most probably, in 99% percent, you offer the right product. Of course it can happen that user get answer which he/she didn't expect (but when talking about all possible scenarios, this is really very tiny chance).

So the question is, be hard as programmer and don't return anything in case it will be correct or be a businessman and offer the right product. Be aware, we don't offer completely different product - if user asks for A, we don't offer B - this is not the case, we offer the most correct product we have - it is just correction of wrong alias or fake alias. In case user asks alias which really does not exist, then the answer is "no items".




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So, what scenario is better?

only one more

skoda/2-rapid   -   Škoda Rapid   -   Škoda Rapid   -   Škoda Rapid
skoda/2-radip   -   No items   -   301 redirect to skoda/2-rapid (or canonical)  -   Škoda Rapid
skoda/2-something   -   No items   -  301 redirect to skoda/2-rapid (or canonical)  -   Škoda Rapid

Тут дарят бакс просто за регистрацию! Успей получить!
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Still no canonical and good SEF.
Use SEF Wizard =)
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*Интересная задача, Деньги или Бартер. Натурой не беру!
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Phoca Cart - анонсы версий и пресс-релизы (press-releases)

Автор JanP

Ответов: 31
Просмотров: 1844
Последний ответ 13.06.2024, 14:24:33
от JanP
Цифровые товары на Phoca Cart 3

Автор lalalag

Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 3111
Последний ответ 12.03.2024, 03:15:49
от JanP
Плагин оплаты ЮKassa для Phoca Cart

Автор Sulpher

Ответов: 0
Просмотров: 1473
Последний ответ 09.09.2023, 21:34:54
от Sulpher
Шаблоны для Phoca Cart

Автор Sulpher

Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 1662
Последний ответ 29.08.2023, 19:13:08
от Bobbi86
Phoca Cart - русская локализация

Автор JanP

Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 2189
Последний ответ 14.04.2023, 09:47:01
от Sulpher