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Как в компоненте JomSocial 3.0.1
Удалить  ссылку
Вот страница с проблемой
Заранее спасибо за помошь.


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Re: Как убрать Надпись в JomSocial 3.0.1?
« Ответ #1 : 30.08.2013, 22:55:03 »
 В обшем нашел я файл что отвечает за автоматизацию пользователей в компоненте теперь вопрос.Как в обше отключить эту форму входа и как тут исравить  английские название ссылок на русские.


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Re: Как убрать Надпись в JomSocial 3.0.1?
« Ответ #2 : 30.08.2013, 22:55:35 »
* @copyright (C) 2013 iJoomla, Inc. - All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
* @author iJoomla.com <webmaster@ijoomla.com>
* @url https://www.jomsocial.com/license-agreement
* The PHP code portions are distributed under the GPL license. If not otherwise stated, all images, manuals, cascading style sheets, and included JavaScript *are NOT GPL, and are released under the IJOOMLA Proprietary Use License v1.0
* More info at https://www.jomsocial.com/license-agreement
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

require_once ( JPATH_ROOT .'/components/com_community/models/models.php');
//CFactory::load( 'tables' , 'activity' );

class CommunityModelActivities extends JCCModel

public function __construct()

* Return an object with a single activity item
public function getActivity($activityId)
$act = JTable::getInstance( 'Activity' , 'CTable' );
return $act;

* Retrieves the activity content for specific activity
* @deprecated since 2.2
* @return string
public function getActivityContent( $activityId )
$act = $this->getActivity($activityId);
return $act->content;

* Retrieves the activity stream for specific activity
* @deprecated since 2.2
public function getActivityStream( $activityId )
return $this->getActivity($activityId);

* Add new data to the stream
* @deprecated since 2.2
public function add($actor, $target, $title, $content, $appname = '', $cid=0, $params='', $points = 1, $access = 0){

$table = JTable::getInstance( 'Activity' , 'CTable' );
$table->actor = $actor;
$table->target = $target;
$table->title = $title;
$table->content = $content;
$table->app = $appname;
$table->cid = $cid;
$table->points = $points;
$table->access = $access;
$table->location = '';
$table->params = $params;

return $table->store();

* For photo upload, we should delete all aggregated photo upload activity,
* instead of just 1 photo uplaod activity
public function hide($userId , $activityId )
$db = $this->getDBO();

// 1st we compare if the activity stream author match the userId. If yes,
// archive the record. if not, insert into hide table.
$activity = $this->getActivityStream($activityId);

if(! empty($activity))
$query = 'SELECT ' . $db->quoteName('id').' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_activities');
$query .= ' WHERE ' . $db->quoteName('app').' = ' . $db->Quote($activity->app);
$query .= ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('cid').' = ' . $db->Quote($activity->cid);
$query .= ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('title').' = ' . $db->Quote($activity->title);
$query .= ' AND DATEDIFF( created, ' . $db->Quote($activity->created). ' )=0';

JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

$rows = $db->loadColumn();

foreach($rows as $key=>$value)
$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->user_id = $userId;
$obj->activity_id = $value;
$db->insertObject('#__community_activities_hide' , $obj);
JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

return true;

public function countActivities ($userid='', $friends='', $afterDate = null, $maxEntries=0 , $respectPrivacy = true , $actidRange = null , $displayArchived = true, $actid=null, $groupid = null,
$eventid = null )
$db = $this->getDBO();

$sql = $this->_buildQuery( array (
'userid' => $userid,
'friends' => $friends,
'afterDate' => $afterDate,
'maxEntries' => 1,  // avoid returning too many data
'respectPrivacy' => $respectPrivacy,
'actidRange' => $actidRange,
'displayArchived' =>$displayArchived,
'actid' => $actid,
'groupid' => $groupid,
'eventid' => $eventid,

/* Specific query format */
'returnCount' => true //

$sql = CString::str_ireplace('a.*', ' SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS a.* ', $sql);

$db->setQuery( $sql );
//echo $db->getQuery(); exit;
$db->setQuery("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
$result = $db->loadResult();

return $result;

* Return rows of activities
public function getActivities($userid='', $friends='', $afterDate = null,
$maxEntries=20 , $respectPrivacy = true , $actidRange = null ,
$displayArchived = true, $actid=null , $groupid = null,
$eventid = null){

$db = $this->getDBO();
// Oversampling, to cater for aggregated activities
//$maxEntries = ($maxEntries < 0)? 0 : $maxEntries;
//$maxEntries = $maxEntries*8;

$sql = $this->_buildQuery( array (
'userid' => $userid,
'friends' => $friends,
'afterDate' => $afterDate,
'maxEntries' => $maxEntries,
'respectPrivacy' => $respectPrivacy,
'actidRange' => $actidRange,
'displayArchived' =>$displayArchived,
'actid' => $actid,
'groupid' => $groupid,
'eventid' => $eventid,
$db->setQuery( $sql );
//echo $maxEntries;
// echo $db->getQuery();
$result = $db->loadObjectList();
if($db->getErrorNum()) {
JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

$activities = $this->_getActivitiesLikeComment($result);

// This is probably not necessary

//$cache->store($activities, $cacheid,array('activities'));
return $activities;

* Build master query
* @param  array $filters condition
* @return string          part of query
private function _buildQuery($filters)
$db = $this->getDBO();
$my  = CFactory::getUser();

$todayDate = new JDate();

$orWhere = array();
$andWhere = array( ' 1 ' );
$onActor = '';
//default the 1st condition here so that if the date is null, it wont give sql error.

/* Disabled on 2.6 to take all activities including the archived one.
if( !$displayArchived )
$andWhere[] = $db->quoteName('archived')."=0";

$orWhere[] = '(a.' . $db->quoteName('actor').'=' . $db->Quote($filters['userid']).')';

//@since 2.6, show friends activities even its not related to the current user(me-and-friends fpage)
if($filters['userid'] != $my->id){
$onActor .= ' AND ((a.' . $db->quoteName('actor').'='. $db->Quote($filters['userid']).') OR (a.' . $db->quoteName('target').'='. $db->Quote($filters['userid']).'))';

//@since 2.8 also search within actors column
$orWhere[] = '(
(a.' . $db->quoteName('actor').'=' . $db->Quote( 0 ).') AND
(a.' . $db->quoteName('actors').' LIKE \'%{"id":"' .  $filters['userid'] .'"}%\')


if(!empty($filters['friends']) && implode(',',$filters['friends'])!= '') {
$orWhere[] = '(a.' . $db->quoteName('actor').' IN ('.implode(',',$filters['friends']). '))';
$orWhere[] = '(a.' . $db->quoteName('target').' IN ('.implode(',',$filters['friends']). '))';
//actor are friends, clear the on Actor condition
$onActor .= '';

$orWhere[] = '(a.' . $db->quoteName('target').'=' . $db->Quote($filters['userid']).')';

$andWhere[] = '(a.' . $db->quoteName('created').' between '.$db->Quote($afterDate->toSql()).' and '.$db->Quote($todayDate->toSql()).')' ;

// Make sure it is an integer (singed and unsigned)
$filters['actidRange'] = intval($filters['actidRange']);

// If idrange is positive, return items older than the given id
if( !is_null( $filters['actidRange']) && $filters['actidRange'] > 0)
$exclusionQuery = ' a.id < '.$filters['actidRange'].' ';
$andWhere[] = $exclusionQuery;

// // If idrange is negative, return items older than the given id
if( !is_null( $filters['actidRange']) && $filters['actidRange'] < 0)
//$exclusionQuery = ' a.id = '. abs($filters['actidRange']).' ';
$exclusionQuery = ' a.id > '. abs($filters['actidRange']).' ';
$andWhere[] = $exclusionQuery;

if( !is_null( $filters['actid']) && $filters['actid'] > 0)
$andWhere[] = ' ( a.id = '. (int)$filters['actid'].' ) ';

// Limit to a particular group
if( !is_null( $filters['groupid']) && $filters['groupid'] > 0)
$andWhere[] = ' ( a.groupid = '. (int)$filters['groupid'].' ) ';

// Limit to a particular event
if( !is_null( $filters['eventid']) && $filters['eventid'] > 0)
$andWhere[] = ' ( a.eventid = '. (int)$filters['eventid'].' ) ';

// Filter by group permission
// Admin can see all groups
if( ! COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin($my->id) ){
$groupIds = empty($my->_groups)? "''" : $my->_groups;
$andWhere[] = '( (a.' . $db->quoteName('group_access').'=' . $db->Quote(0).')'
.'  OR '
.'  (a.' . $db->quoteName('groupid').' IN (' . $groupIds .' ) )'
.' OR (a.' . $db->quoteName('groupid').'=' . $db->Quote(0).'))';
} else
// Only show public groups
$andWhere[] = ' (a.' . $db->quoteName('group_access').'=' . $db->Quote(0).')';

// Filter by event permission
// Admin can see everything
if( ! COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin($my->id) ){
$eventIds = empty($my->_events)? "''" : $my->_events;
$andWhere[] = '( (a.' . $db->quoteName('event_access').'=' . $db->Quote(0).')'
.'  OR '
.'  (a.' . $db->quoteName('eventid').' IN (' . $eventIds .' ) ) '
.' OR (a.' . $db->quoteName('eventid').'=' . $db->Quote(0).') )';
// Only show public events
$andWhere[] = ' (a.' . $db->quoteName('event_access').'=' . $db->Quote(0).')';

if( $filters['respectPrivacy'] )
// Add friends limits, but admin should be able to see all
// @todo: should use global admin code check instead
if($my->id == 0){
// for guest, it is enough to just test access <= 0
//$andWhere[] = "(a.`access` <= 10)";
$andWhere[] = "(a.". $db->quoteName('access')." <= 10)";

} elseif( ! COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin($my->id) ){
$orWherePrivacy = array();
$orWherePrivacy[] = '((a.' . $db->quoteName('access').' = 0) ' . $onActor .')';
$orWherePrivacy[] = '((a.' . $db->quoteName('access').' = 10) ' . $onActor .')';
$orWherePrivacy[] = '((a.' . $db->quoteName('access').' = 20) AND ( '.$db->Quote($my->id).' != 0) ' . $onActor .')';
if($my->id != 0)
$orWherePrivacy[] = '((a.' . $db->quoteName('access').' = ' . $db->Quote(40).') AND (a.' . $db->quoteName('actor').' = ' . $db->Quote($my->id).') ' . $onActor .')';
$orWherePrivacy[] = '((a.' . $db->quoteName('access').' = ' . $db->Quote(30).') AND ((a.' . $db->quoteName('actor').'IN (SELECT c.' . $db->quoteName('connect_to')
.' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_connection').' as c'
.' WHERE c.' . $db->quoteName('connect_from').' = ' . $db->Quote($my->id)
.' AND c.' . $db->quoteName('status').' = ' . $db->Quote(1).' ) ) OR (a.' . $db->quoteName('actor').' = ' . $db->Quote($my->id).') )' . $onActor .' )';
$OrPrivacy = implode(' OR ', $orWherePrivacy);
// If groupid is specified, no need to check the privacy
// really
$andWhere[] = "(a." . $db->quoteName('groupid'). " OR (".$OrPrivacy."))";

//get the list of acitivity id in archieve table 1st.

//Use GROUP_CONCAT ============
$subQuery = 'SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT b.' . $db->quoteName('activity_id')
.') as activity_id FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_activities_hide').' as b WHERE b.' . $db->quoteName('user_id').' = '. $db->Quote($filters['userid']);

$subResult = $db->loadColumn();

$subString = (empty($subResult))? array() : explode(',', $subResult[0]);
$idlist = array();

//cleanup empty values
$str = array_shift($subString);
if(!empty($str)) $idlist[] = $str;
$subString = implode(',', $idlist);

if( ! empty($subString))
$andWhere[] = 'a.' . $db->quoteName('id').' NOT IN ('.$subString.')';

// If current user is blocked by a user he should not see the activity of the user
// who block him. (of course, if the user data is public, he can see it anyway!)
if($my->id != 0){
$andWhere[] = "a.`actor` NOT IN (SELECT `userid` FROM #__community_blocklist WHERE `blocked_userid`='{$my->id}')";

$whereOr = implode(' OR ', $orWhere);
$whereAnd = implode(' AND ', $andWhere);

// Actors can also be your friends
// We load 100 activities to cater for aggregated content
$date = CTimeHelper::getDate(); //we need to compare where both date with offset so that the day diff correctly.

// Have limit?
$maxEntries = '';
$maxEntries = ' LIMIT ' . $filters['maxEntries'];
// Azrul Code start
// 1. Get all the ids of the activities
$sql = 'SELECT a.* '
/* .' TO_DAYS('.$db->Quote($date->toSql(true)).') -  TO_DAYS( DATE_ADD(a.' . $db->quoteName('created').', INTERVAL '.$date->getOffset(true).' HOUR ) ) as _daydiff' */
.' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_activities').' as a '
.' WHERE '
.' ( '. $whereOr .' ) AND '
. $whereAnd
.' GROUP BY a.' . $db->quoteName('id')
.' ORDER BY a.' . $db->quoteName('created').' DESC, a. ' . $db->quoteName('id').' DESC' . $maxEntries;

// Remove the bracket if it is not needed
$sql = CString::str_ireplace('WHERE  (  ) AND', ' WHERE ', $sql);
return $sql;

* Given rows of activities, return activities with the likes and comment data
* @param array $result
public function _getActivitiesLikeComment($result)
$db = $this->getDBO();

// 2. Get the ids of the comments and likes we will query
$comments = array();
$likes = array();

foreach($result as $row)

if($row->comment_type == 'photos')
$comments['albums'][] = $row->cid;
$comments[$row->comment_type][] = $row->comment_id;

$likes[$row->like_type][] = $row->like_id;
// 3. Query the comments
$commentsResult = array();

$cond = array();
foreach( $comments as $lk => $lv )
// Make every uid unique
$lv = array_unique($lv);
if( !empty($lv))
$cond[] = ' ( '
.' a.' . $db->quoteName('type'). '=' . $db->Quote($lk)
.' AND '
.' a.' . $db->quoteName('contentid'). ' IN (' . implode( ',' , $lv ). ') '
.' ) ';


$sql = 'SELECT a.* '
.' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_wall').' as a '
.' WHERE '
. implode( ' OR ' , $cond )
.' ORDER BY '.$db->quoteName('id'). ' DESC ';

$db->setQuery( $sql );
$resultComments = $db->loadObjectList();

if($db->getErrorNum()) {
JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

foreach($resultComments as $comment)
$key = $comment->type . '-' . $comment->contentid;

$commentsResult[$key] = $comment;
$commentsResult[$key]->_comment_count = 0;


// 4. Query the likes
$likesResult = array();
$cond = array();
foreach( $likes as $lk => $lv )
// Make every uid unique
$lv = array_unique($lv);

if( !empty($lv))
$cond[] = ' ( '
.' a.' . $db->quoteName('element'). '=' . $db->Quote($lk)
.' AND '
.' a.' . $db->quoteName('uid'). ' IN (' . implode( ',' , $lv ). ') '
.' ) ';


$sql = 'SELECT a.* '
.' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_likes').' as a '
.' WHERE '
. implode( ' OR ' , $cond ) ;

$db->setQuery( $sql );
$resultLikes = $db->loadObjectList();

if($db->getErrorNum()) {
JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

foreach($resultLikes as $like)
$likesResult[$like->element . '-' . $like->uid] = $like->like;


// 4. Merge data
$activities = array();
foreach($result as $row)
// Merge Like data
if(array_key_exists($row->like_type . '-' . $row->like_id, $likesResult) )
$row->_likes = $likesResult[$row->like_type . '-' . $row->like_id];
$row->_likes = '';

if($row->comment_type == 'photos')
$row->comment_id = $row->cid;
$row->comment_type = 'albums';


// Merge comment data
if( array_key_exists($row->comment_type . '-' . $row->comment_id, $commentsResult) )
$data = $commentsResult[$row->comment_type . '-' . $row->comment_id];
$row->_comment_last_id = $data->id;
$row->_comment_last_by = $data->post_by;
$row->_comment_date    = $data->date;
$row->_comment_count   = $data->_comment_count;
$row->_comment_last    = isset($data->comment)? $data->comment : null;
$row->_comment_last_id = '';
$row->_comment_last_by = '';
$row->_comment_date    = '';
$row->_comment_count   = 0;
$row->_comment_last    = '';

// Create table object
$act = JTable::getInstance( 'Activity' , 'CTable' );
$activities[] = $act;

return $activities;

* Return all activities by the given apps
* @param mixed $appname string or array of string
public function getAppActivities( $options )
$my = CFactory::getUser();

// Default options
$default = array(
'app' => '',
'cid' => '',
'groupid' => '',
'eventid' => '',
'limit' => 100 ,
'respectPrivacy' => true ,
'exclusions' => null ,
'displayArchived' => false,
'createdAfter' => null
$options = array_merge($default, $options);

$db = $this->getDBO();

// If $appname is not an array, flatten it
$app = array($app);

$app = "'" . implode("','", $app). "'";

// Double the number of limit to allow for aggregator
$limit = ($limit < 0)? 0 : $limit;
$limit = $limit*2;

$displayArchived = $displayArchived ? 1 : 0;

//$appsWhere = $db->quoteName('archived').'=' . $db->Quote( $displayArchived ). ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('app').' IN (' . $app . ')'; // Quote not needed here
$appsWhere = $db->quoteName('app').' IN (' . $app . ')'; // Quote not needed here

if($cid != null)
$appsWhere .= ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('cid').'=' . $db->Quote($cid);

if($groupid != null){
// Filter by group permission
// Negative group id is also the same group id, but with private permission
$appsWhere .= ' AND (' . $db->quoteName('groupid').' = ' . $db->Quote($groupid).'  )';

if($eventid != null)
$appsWhere .= ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('eventid').'=' . $db->Quote($eventid);

if( !is_null( $exclusions) && $exclusions > 0)
$appsWhere .= ' AND a.id < '.$exclusions.' ';

if($createdAfter != null) {

$date   = new JDate($createdAfter);
$createdAfter = $date->format('%Y-%m-%d');

$appsWhere .= ' AND date_format(a.' . $db->quoteName('created').',' . $db->Quote('%Y-%m-%d').') >= '. $db->Quote($createdAfter).' ';

// Actors can also be your friends
$date = CTimeHelper::getDate(); //we need to compare where both date with offset so that the day diff correctly.

$sql = 'SELECT a.* , (DAY( ' . $db->Quote($date->toSql(true)).' ) - DAY( DATE_ADD(a.' . $db->quoteName('created').',INTERVAL '.$date->getOffset().' HOUR ) )) as ' . $db->Quote('_daydiff')
.' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_activities').' as a '
.' WHERE ' . $appsWhere
.' ORDER BY ' . $db->quoteName('created').' DESC '
.' LIMIT ' . $limit ;
$db->setQuery( $sql );

$result = $db->loadObjectList();

if($db->getErrorNum()) {
JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

$activities = $this->_getActivitiesLikeComment($result);

return $activities;

* Remove any recently changed activities
public function removeRecent($actor, $title, $app, $timeDiff){

* Remove One Photo Activity
* As it's tricky to remove the activity since there's no photo id in the
* activity data. Here we get all the activities of 5 seconds within the
* activity creation time, then we try to match the photo id in the activity
* params, and also the thumbnail in the activity content field. When all
* fails, we fallback to removeOneActivity()
public function removeOnePhotoActivity( $app, $uniqueId, $datetime, $photoId, $thumbnail )
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $db->quoteName( '#__community_activities' ). ' '
. 'WHERE ' . $db->quoteName( 'app' ). '=' . $db->Quote( $app ). ' '
. 'AND ' . $db->quoteName( 'cid' ). '=' . $db->Quote( $uniqueId ). ' '
. 'AND ( ' . $db->quoteName( 'created' ). ' BETWEEN ' . $db->Quote( $datetime ). ' '
. 'AND ( ADDTIME(' . $db->Quote($datetime). ', ' . $db->Quote('00:00:05'). ' ) ) ) '
$result = $db->loadObjectList();

JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

$activityId = null;
$handler = new CParameter(null);

// the activity data contains photoid and the photo thumbnail
// which can be useful for us to find the correct activity id
foreach ($result as $activity)
if ($handler->getValue('photoid')==$photoId)
$activityId = $activity->id;
if ( JString::strpos($activity->content, $thumbnail)!== false )
$activityId = $activity->id;

if (is_null($activityId))
return $this->removeOneActivity($app, $uniqueId);

$query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $db->quoteName( '#__community_activities' ). ' '
. 'WHERE ' . $db->quoteName( 'id' ). '=' . $db->Quote( $activityId ). ' '
. 'LIMIT 1 ' ;
$db->setQuery( $query );
$status = $db->query();

JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());
return $status;

public function removeOneActivity( $app , $uniqueId )
$db = $this->getDBO();

$query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $db->quoteName( '#__community_activities' ). ' '
. 'WHERE ' . $db->quoteName( 'app' ). '=' . $db->Quote( $app ). ' '
. 'AND ' . $db->quoteName( 'cid' ). '=' . $db->Quote( $uniqueId ). ' '
. 'LIMIT 1 ' ;

$db->setQuery( $query );
$status = $db->query();

JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());
return $status;
//Remove Discussion via params
function removeDiscussion($app,$uniqueId,$paramName,$paramValue){

$db = $this->getDBO();

$query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $db->quoteName( '#__community_activities' ). ' '
. 'WHERE ' . $db->quoteName( 'app' ). '=' . $db->Quote( $app ). ' '
. 'AND ' . $db->quoteName( 'cid' ). '=' . $db->Quote( $uniqueId ). ' '
. 'AND ' . $db->quoteName( 'params' ). ' LIKE '.$db->Quote('%'.$paramName .'='.$paramValue.'%') ;
$db->setQuery( $query );
$status = $db->query();

JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());
return $status;

public function removeActivity( $app , $uniqueId )
$db = $this->getDBO();

$query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $db->quoteName( '#__community_activities' ). ' '
. 'WHERE ' . $db->quoteName( 'app' ). '=' . $db->Quote( $app ). ' '
. 'AND ' . $db->quoteName( 'cid' ). '=' . $db->Quote( $uniqueId ) ;

$db->setQuery( $query );
$status = $db->query();

JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());
return $status;

public function removeGroupActivity($ids)
    $db = $this->getDBO();
    $app = '"groups","groups.bulletin","groups.discussion","groups.wall"';
    $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $db->quoteName( '#__community_activities' ). ' '
. 'WHERE ' . $db->quoteName( 'app' ). 'IN ('.$app.') '
. 'AND ' . $db->quoteName( 'cid' ). 'IN ('.$ids.')';

    $db->setQuery( $query );
    $status = $db->query();

JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());
    return $status;

* Return the actor id by a given activity id
public function getActivityOwner($uniqueId){
$db = $this->getDBO();

$sql = 'SELECT ' . $db->quoteName('actor')
.' FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_activities')
.' WHERE ' . $db->quoteName('id').'=' . $db->Quote($uniqueId);

$db->setQuery( $sql );
$result = $db->loadResult();

if($db->getErrorNum()) {
JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

// @todo: write a plugin that return the HTML part of the whole system
return $result;

* Return the number of total activity by a given user
public function getActivityCount($userid) {
$db = $this->getDBO();

$sql = 'SELECT SUM(' . $db->quoteName('points')
.') FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_activities')
.' WHERE ' . $db->quoteName('actor').'=' . $db->Quote($userid);

$db->setQuery( $sql );
$result = $db->loadResult();

if($db->getErrorNum()) {
JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

// @todo: write a plugin that return the HTML part of the whole system
return $result;

* Retrieves total number of activities throughout the site.
* @return int $total Total number of activities.
public function getTotalActivities( $andWhere = array() ){
$db = JFactory::getDBO();

$andWhere[] = ' 1 ';
$whereAnd =  implode(' AND ', $andWhere);
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_activities'). ' WHERE ' . $whereAnd;
$db->setQuery( $query );
$total = $db->loadResult();

return $total;
* Update acitivy stream access
* @param <type> $access
* @param <type> $previousAccess
* @param <type> $actorId
* @param <type> $app
* @param <type> $cid
* @return <type>
public function updatePermission($access, $previousAccess , $actorId, $app = '' , $cid = '')
$db = $this->getDBO();

$query = 'UPDATE ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_activities').' SET ' . $db->quoteName('access').' = ' . $db->Quote($access);
$query .= ' WHERE ' . $db->quoteName('actor').' = ' . $db->Quote($actorId);

if( $previousAccess != null && $previousAccess > $access )
$query .= ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('access').' <' . $db->Quote( $access );

if( !empty( $app ) )
$query .= ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('app').' = ' . $db->Quote($app);

if(! empty($cid))
$query .= ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('cid').' = ' . $db->Quote($cid);

$db->setQuery( $query );

JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

return $this;

public function updatePermissionByCid($access, $previousAccess = null, $cid, $app)
// if (is_array($cid)) {}

$db = $this->getDBO();

$query = 'UPDATE ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_activities').' SET ' . $db->quoteName('access').' = ' . $db->Quote($access);
$query .= ' WHERE ' . $db->quoteName('cid').' IN (' . $db->Quote($cid). ')';
$query .= ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('app').' = ' . $db->Quote($app);

if( $previousAccess != null && $previousAccess > $access )
$query .= ' AND ' . $db->quoteName('access').' <' . $db->Quote( $access );

$db->setQuery( $query );

JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

return $this;

* Generic activity update code
* @param array  $condition
* @param array $update
* @return CommunityModelActivities
public function update($condition, $update)
$db = $this->getDBO();

$where = array();
foreach($condition as $key => $val)
$where[] = $db->quoteName($key).'=' . $db->Quote($val);
$where = implode(' AND ', $where);

$set = array();
foreach($update as $key => $val)
$set[] = ' '. $db->quoteName($key).'=' . $db->Quote($val);
$set = implode(', ', $set);

$query = 'UPDATE ' . $db->quoteName('#__community_activities').' SET '. $set . ' WHERE '. $where;

$db->setQuery( $query );

JError::raiseError( 500, $db->stderr());

return $this;
Чтобы оставить сообщение,
Вам необходимо Войти или Зарегистрироваться

Отправка e-mail пользователям из компонента JomSocial 4.8.2

Автор Александр Кардаш

Ответов: 0
Просмотров: 897
Последний ответ 02.04.2023, 17:38:07
от Александр Кардаш
Русификация JomSocial

Автор Fassendek

Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 3360
Последний ответ 13.03.2023, 11:41:24
от kochevnik
Не устанавливается JomSocial

Автор lolitma3

Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 2349
Последний ответ 01.04.2021, 12:00:27
от VadShip10
Переход из JomSocial в CommunityBuilder

Автор bizzy3

Ответов: 0
Просмотров: 1488
Последний ответ 22.03.2021, 12:29:57
от bizzy3
Ошибка при регистрации в JomSocial

Автор BlackAxXxE

Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 3910
Последний ответ 04.02.2021, 13:59:59
от Kijv